The Haven Mental Health Foundation also known as The Haven Uganda, is a youth led organization that focuses on promoting mental health among the young people through raising mental health awareness, counselling, research, and advocacy.
Adolescents and young adults are vulnerable to mental health disorders as they face many social pressures and challenges in their daily lives that range from establishing independent identity, making educational and vocational decisions as well as forming interpersonal relationships all of which have major influence on their mental health and their wellbeing.
Many young people lack general knowledge and how to deal with mental health challenges thus they resort to destructive mechanisms such as substance abuse and suicide as their way of managing stress. Furthermore, mental health victims are subjected to stigma, discrimination, violence, and even arrests which hinders them from seeking mental health services and this prevents them from living full productive lives.
Founded on the 1st May 2020 at the peak of the COVID-19 Pandemic which took a great toll on the mental health of many, the Haven Mental Health Foundation was set up to help young people with mental challenges by providing counseling and linking them to appropriate professional therapy through youth friendly channels. At the Haven Uganda, we provide a platform where young people are empowered to openly share their lived experiences without feeling stigmatized as a way of encouraging others to come out and seek help.